Rat Control: Tips to Keeping These Rodents Out Of Your Home

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Rodents are known for being disease-carrying vectors. As such, having to contend with a rat infestation in your home can be a serious health risk as these critters can carry an array of unsavoury things including plague, tapeworm, hantavirus and more. Moreover, you can also get sick if your food or water is contaminated with their droppings. However, rats are not only a hazard you your health. Leaving them to scamper around unchecked can lead to the fraying of your cabling, structural damage to your wood items, gnawing through your home’s insulation and more.…

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How to keep possums out of your home

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While the threat of possums and other rodents may not seem like a pressing one, living near bushland means you should expect a few surprises every so often. Not only can possums get into your trash and possibly agitate any pets you may have, but they can also cause property damage and spread diseases. Luckily, there are a few ways you can prevent possums or similar rodents from getting onto your property in the first place as well as remove them if they make it that far.…

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Pest Control: Getting Rid Of Fly Infestations

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One of the most common pests that can be found in households all over the globe are flies. Although these insects look quite harmless, they can actually pose a health risk to you and your family if they are not kept in check. These insects carry a host of diseases such as cholera, typhoid and even salmonella. All they would have to do is settle on your food and contaminate it.…

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Tips On Preventing Chimney Fires

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As part of your annual home pest inspection, it’s a good idea to ask your pest control services contractor to carry out some routine fire protection system maintenance too.  If you have an open fire or log burner, this could include checking your chimney too, before the colder months arrive and you want to light your fire.  Between maintenance visits, you can take steps to ensure that you and your family can enjoy a cosy winter fire safely, without the risk of your chimney catching light.…

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Tips On Keeping Your Home A Spider-Free Zone!

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Although the majority of spiders that you might find in your home are harmless to people and pets, they’re not always welcome house guests, especially if you suffer from arachnophobia.  As the autumn months arrive and the temperature drops, some species of spiders begin to come inside, seeking warmth and shelter. Here are some top tips on how to stop spiders from invading your home. De-clutter! Spiders tend to build nests amongst clutter.…

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Keeping Mosquitoes Away From Your 'Outdoor' Business (And Customers)

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If you’re running a business, whether a coffee shop, a restaurant with outdoor seating or even a retail or commercial store, mosquitoes can be a pesky pest – and they can irritate and drive away your paying customers. While we often assume there’s not much we can do about mozzies down under (particularly in those humid regions), there are ways you can prevent and keep them away from your business and clientele.…

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Termite Control | 4 Preemptive Strategies To Prevent A Termite Invasion In Your Home

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Termites are communal insects that work together to form nests in wood or soil and often cause irreparable damage to several wooden furniture structures in your home if left undetected or ignored. While most homes in Australia are at risk of termite damage, there’s no reason to lose hope. Finding ways to prevent them from getting into your home is just as important as termite control. Follow these preemptive strategies to prevent a termite invasion in your home.…

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