8 Termite Prevention Measures for Wooden Structures in Your Yard

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Are you thinking of adding a wooden structure to your yard, such as a deck or fence? Then you’ll need to take steps to ensure that termites don’t attack your new additions. Here are some tips to keep termites away from new wooden structures in your yard. 1. Keep wooden structures away from your home Wooden structures that touch your home, like decks or fences, may serve to allow termites to access your home in the future.…

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6 Occasions When Hiring a Pest Inspector Is Prudent

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Not everybody can afford to arrange for bi-annual pest inspections, something that can prevent pests from taking a foothold in your home. If you haven’t invested in a regular pest inspection program, then you need to keep your eyes and ears open to ensure that pests don’t move into your home and cause damage. The following situations usually require a pest inspection. 1. When considering purchasing a new home A typical home inspector can spot many problems in a property.…

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