3 Crucial Landscaping Tips for Avoiding Termite Infestations

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If you are interested in improving your termite prevention measures in your home, you should plan on making some changes in your landscape. In general, homeowners only think about their buildings when establishing pest control plans. Unfortunately, when dealing with termites, you cannot achieve ideal results by only inspecting and protecting the house. If your outdoor space has suitable conditions for the survival of termites, it will only be a matter of time before you face an infestation. Therefore, here are critical landscaping tips to help you keep your home safe from termite damage.

1. Plan for Tree Stump Removal

If there are old tree stumps on your property, you should plan for their immediate removal. Old tree stumps provide an expedient source of food for termites. In simple terms, most termites are subterranean in nature, which means that they never leave in the ground. Therefore, if there is a stump on your land, the pests will not have difficulties finding it.

When the insects begin feeding on the stump, they will also look for other convenient sources of food. Over time, they will move on to your building. You can prevent this problem by removing the tree stumps through grinding, burning or chemical decomposition. This practice will not only limit infestations; it will also improve the appeal of your landscape.

2. Avoid Placing Firewood Outside

Storing your firewood outside your house can seem like a simple way of managing the wooden materials. For instance, if you place a pile of wood beside your house, it will be protected from bad weather while providing convenient access. Unfortunately, this action is highly detrimental. If you pile your materials outside, the ground-wood contact will attract termites.

Once they find the firewood, they will make a simple transition to your house. Therefore, if you have firewood on your property, you should look for a good storage area far from your house. Under ideal circumstances, the wood should be elevated to avoid the consequences of ground contact. You should also put away old timber building materials in a safe and raised platform to avoid the same problem.

3. Manage Your Use of Mulch

Mulching is a beneficial practice in gardening and general landscaping. This process limits the loss of moisture and provides nutrients to plants. However, the mulch can also serve as an excellent food material for termites. Therefore, where possible, you should avoid using mulch, especially close to your house. If you must utilise mulch for your garden, you should consider replacing the natural material with artificial rubber mulch. 

For more information, schedule a termite inspection today!
