Types of Termite Damage That May Be Affecting Your Property

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Realising too late that you have a termite problem can be extremely costly. Termites predominantly eat plant matter which is dead, normally soil, wood or animal waste. They are extremely costly pests, causing huge damage to forests, crops and buildings. It is very important to get a pest treatment company to inspect your property if you have even the smallest inclination that you have a termite problem. The pest treatment company can identify if there is a problem and put a termite control plan of action in place to eradicate these pests.

Due to their diet being primarily made up of wood, they can compromise the structural integrity of a building. This leads to huge costs to eradicate the problem. Here are a few tell tail signs that you have a termite problem:

Subterranean Damage

Termites which are subterranean live in soil, which is damp and loose. You may be familiar with certain subterranean species that live in Africa which are aggressive and have large mounds on top of the colonies. In most areas, subterranean termites are less conspicuous and signs of damage can be harder to identify. It is common for no sign of interior damage to be seen until you have an out of control infestation.

The damage is very similar to that of water damage.  Exterior hints of damage include floors and ceilings that are swollen, buckled wood and mazes which can be seen inside furniture or walls. There might be a strange smell that is similar to mould.

Structural Damage

It is not just buildings made out of wood that are at risk of termite damage. The pests are able to get through materials such as metal sidings and plaster. After that, they can feast on ceilings, wooden furniture, floors and cabinets. Damage is not really noticeable until a lot of erosion has already occurred. For this reason, it is hugely important to get a pest control company to conduct an inspection before you try to take any action yourself.

Dry wood Damage

The types of termites that prefer dry wood build their colony inside structures that are wooden. This is an instant food source. Common places this type can be found are within furniture or walls. You may not notice any damage until they have tunnelled so deep that the outside veneer begins to crumble and their tunnels which are maze like are visible.

Having learned about the three main types of termite damage, it is clear that termite control should be a top priority. You should act immediately if you suspect you have a problem as visible signs may not appear until severe damage has already been done. You should always get an experienced pest treatment company to conduct an inspection to find out the extent of the damage.

To learn more, contact a company like Frontline Termite & Pest Control with any questions you have.
