Summer Is Almost Here: How To Get A Handle On Your Pest Control Measures

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Summer is almost here. When it arrives, you’ll need to be prepared for the influx of pests. Warmer temperatures have a tendency to bring all the pests out from their hiding places. Unfortunately, if you’re not prepared, the increased activity could send them running straight to your home. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent pest infestations this summer. To make sure you get off on the right foot this summer, read the list provided below.…

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4 Noises That Indicate the Time Has Come for Termite Treatment

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Termites are one of the sneakiest pests going. In fact, some homeowners don’t realize they have an infestation right under their noses until the termites have done considerable damage. Termites are difficult to spot, even if they have infested an area right in front of you. But if you know what to look and listen for, you can detect a termite infestation. If you think you might have termites on your property, listen for the following sounds.…

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3 Crucial Landscaping Tips for Avoiding Termite Infestations

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If you are interested in improving your termite prevention measures in your home, you should plan on making some changes in your landscape. In general, homeowners only think about their buildings when establishing pest control plans. Unfortunately, when dealing with termites, you cannot achieve ideal results by only inspecting and protecting the house. If your outdoor space has suitable conditions for the survival of termites, it will only be a matter of time before you face an infestation.…

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